Through the roughest struggle and deepest kind of
loss that life can dole out, some come through scarred
but stronger than before. Not just surviving but
renewed at their roots. Others crawl through part way
and turn back, more defeated than delivered. Why?
Some difference-makers I’ve seen:
1. The ones who make it know who they are. They can
answer the most searching questions like “Who am I?
What am I worth? What do I stand for and believe most
deeply?” Those who bank on being made with love,
guided by purpose, and destined for glory find that their
essence is more consequential than what happens to
them. Jesus said, “Are you not much more valuable
than the birds (fed and cared for by their Maker)?
2. The ones who make it have an active support system.
Starting with an inner connection with our vine (Jesus)
and taking time to drink daily. Keeping family
relationships fresh and free of resentments. Staying
close with vital friendships, even a few. Entering into
worship regularly and using the time to uplift a few of
those we sing and pray with. A bereaved mother I
talked to yesterday finds strength in serving twice a
month in an outreach to homeless folks in the area.
3. The ones who make it see the present in light of the
future. They realize that next year, we won’t be where
we are now. They see the present like a boot camp of
training. Or like a wilderness of preparation. If I’m not
happy where I am, I’m confident the Lord is using it to
prepare me for better things next season. As long as I
follow the training program and learn with endurance.
4. The ones who make it put themselves in a position for
growth. They give attention to all parts of our being.
Physically, keeping a discipline of movement and
healthy eating and rest. Mentally, in-putting
intentionally, rather than absorbing whatever the
present channel may be serving up, or what memories
play most often in the mental jukebox. I found that the
Sirius “favorite” stations in our car cannot be removed
(--like some traumatic or regrettable memories).
However, I can insert new “favorites” that push the old
settings toward the back. So with the favorites spinning
between the ears. They in-put “files” that are
challenging or inspirational or humorous or intriguing,
And lead them toward being thankful and hopeful, and
glad to be alive.