We may be ready to leave behind the heatwaves and storms of the summer. But I’m glad to remember highlights I had looked forward to all year, brief as they were.
Anniversary: June ended with a celebration of forty-one years together for Susie and me. I realize how blesssed we are to be among those willing and able to be together this long, without major obstacles in physical or mental health (--for the moment!). A few days at the beach highlighted the six chapters lived in various places, with lots to be treasured along with jolting surprises and disappointments. Shared faith has provided a way of understanding our history, and strength for a path where every turn led us to a place we are so thankful for. Ever with challenges and adjustments.
Family Reunion: July allowed three days to see all three children at the same time – the only chance other than so briefly at Christmas. One old quote that came to mind: “Your children are from you, but they are not yours” (Kahlil Gibran). Times together are 90% joy with a big slice of mystery. We keep learning an on-going parent’s role that is more subtle, less grasping or directing, but with the sweetness and guidance of staying close, honest and appreciative.
Wedding: August ended with a whirlwind trip for the wedding of our youngest son’s best friend. Like a snapshot of friends we see every year or two – fascinating, uplifting to celebrate even with those we are not close to, but with whom we share joys and griefs from the past 15+ years.
Routine: Meanwhile, most days offer the chance to serve with dedicated and supportive teammates. But it’s strking at this stage that there only two other co-workers (out of seventy) remaining from ten or more years ago, and one is struggling to keep going with a disabling condition. Strange but blessed to be nearly the longest serving (and oldest!)
Reflections: Brief get-aways and reunions have been oases that refresh and give a sharper view: of our own path, and how generous the Father has been. And how blessed is the chance to be expressions of kindness and support, in the hope of Christ.