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Fear and Faith

Writer: Dick SharberDick Sharber

Hopeful for the new year?  Hopeful about a new direction, or challenge (or whatever is new in your life)?  Our attitude depends partly on the mix of fear and faith.  Most of us find a mix of those two, most of the time.


When is fear a good thing?  When we smell smoke.  When a siren with flashing lights approaches.  When a sharp pain suddenly strikes.  To disregard fear, or train ourselves to be unfazed at such times can be hazardous.


And there’s a spiritually healthy kind of fear.  In the  Bible, “fear” is sometimes understood as reverent awe.  So the “fear of the Lord” is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1), pure and enduring (Psalm 19) and a treasure (Isaiah 33). 


On the other hand, we find the more common sense of fear on the first pages of the Bible, when Adam explained his hiding from God: “I was afraid, because I was naked” (Genesis 3).  Guilty and ashamed.  Instead of responding to a loving father coming to correct and restore, the first man sets the pace for us by avoiding and then defending himself to God, then accusing his wife.  


So, right next to their Lord, the disciples feared for their lives when a storm threatened their boat.  And later fled from Jesus the night he was arrested.


Fear naturally is stirred by the threat of the unknown and unfamiliar.  But in many instances, fear arises out of a sense of guilt, an awareness of failure, or an anticipation of painful retribution.  To which John writes, Perfect love drives out the fear [that] has to do with punishment (1 John 4). 


So God’s repeated word is “Don’t be afraid!”      Not just because fear leads to hiding and separation in relationships.  But because there is a reason for confidence and trust – “For I am with you!”  Over and over Scripture shows that the Lord with us will protect, or provide what is needed, or send someone to help.  


The answer to fear is found in facing the reality:  the guilt, the threat, the need.  But trusting as well God’s presence and so, somehow, that he will make a way.  .  Truth and grace.  Hearing God say,    “I see you there, where you are.  But I am here, and that will be enough.”


So the encouraging word we can offer each other opens the door to overcoming fear or separation: “You are there, yes I see, but I am here, with you.  For you.  Here whenever and however you need.”   Because Jesus is here with us, always.




Our congregation is thoroughly rooted in our community, serving here for over 200 years, from the town’s earliest days.  With Christians of all traditions, we are founded on faith in God through a living Christ.  In Jesus, we find a renewed life of purpose based in love, with forgiveness and hope, now and eternally.


office:  (973) 827-7225

pastor:  (201) 788-9128



15 Rt. 23 North

Hamburg, NJ 07419


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