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Divine Initiative/Human Freedom

Writer: Dick SharberDick Sharber

Meeting a sick elderly man in the hospital with his son bedside, the mood was bleak.  The patient’s future appeared likely to continue for months with frustrating restrictions.  Along with questions for how the family would provide care.  Other misfortunes in the family had reinforced a skeptical outlook toward the universe.               


Their distant Jewish background had faded.  How could a loving God tolerate such atrocities in the world? they wondered.   My gentle suggestion that those of us who believe, accept plenty of mystery beyond our full explanation.  But we believe the Creator has a high regard for freedom.  Allowing people to choose for good or bad, to help or to damage the world.  That was more than my company could swallow. 


Yet the first thing Genesis tells us about the human situation is that we were the crown of creation in a good and perfect world.  Yet given a choice.  The man and the woman were given the capacity to live as creatures with creativity.  But they misused their freedom, attempting to be more than they were made to be.  The result was brokenness and fear,  Driving them to hide and deny.  Their selfish rebellion began a fatal degeneration of their health, body and soul, and in relationship with each other and with God.  Even the ground and nature was infected.


Yet the Creator continued the initiative, to seek them out.  Where are you, Adam?  The Lord’s searching question was the first step in restoring the man and the woman, painful though it was.  A major theme of the rest of the Bible is God’s seeking of his wandering children, still giving them the freedom to respond to his mercy in faith, or to continue on their own path.  The theme culminates in Jesus’ statement of his purpose: The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.


As we look this month at some basic questions of our faith, we also claim this role as Christ-followers.  To share in his initiative with those close to us, and with our fellow believers.  That is, to seek out each other, “Where are you? I am here for you.”  We ask with a humble boldness to find and to serve.  With a persistent compassion for what is best for them.  And with respect for one another’s freedom to respond when and how they choose.           




Our congregation is thoroughly rooted in our community, serving here for over 200 years, from the town’s earliest days.  With Christians of all traditions, we are founded on faith in God through a living Christ.  In Jesus, we find a renewed life of purpose based in love, with forgiveness and hope, now and eternally.


office:  (973) 827-7225

pastor:  (201) 788-9128



15 Rt. 23 North

Hamburg, NJ 07419


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