Give thanks in all circumstances. And how much
more when the love in our congregation keeps flowing,
when deeply rooted faith guides us, heavenly music
uplifts us each week, and the practical parts (building
and finances) look better than ever.
Our weekly / monthly pattern continued similar to
recent years. Worship including our outstanding Praise
Team, specializing in bringing us songs new and old that
enhance the message.
Eric and Alex and Dani and (often) Diane
continued to anchor our (second Friday) Coffee House
with a creative spectrum of music genres, served with
good-humored inspiration. Coffeehouse has been a
place for guests and friends to feel instantly welcomed.
Our 9:30 Sunday School / Bible study looked at a
new area for most of us – “Feasts of the Old Testament”
and their relationship / completion in the Gospel (also
the theme of our Good Friday service). We followed up
with studies on “The Prayers of Jesus” and “Forgiving
What You Can’t Forget,” an especially heart-felt topic
that has continued into 2025.
Meanwhile, our Men’s Breakfasts (third Saturdays)
continued as a tasty favorite, featuring devotional
thoughts / personal stories offered by a variety of the
brethren. And our gang showed they can serve as well
in treating our ladies to a Mother’s Day Breakfast, which
has already become a HBC tradition.
Each of these regular get-togethers has been an
occasion for encouragement, prayer and joy as we learn
from each other’s experiences and life lessons. Outreach
includes a hand to those going through difficulties as
well as significant support to several mission efforts,
local and far away. Graces Pantry effectively expanded
outreach efforts through Doug and a dedicated staff of
volunteers including some of our folks.
Our building looks better than ever, with faithful
maintenance as always needed on a building, along with
a renovated entry area in our foyer, new flooring
downstairs (quite a brighter look) and repaired stairwell
walls, so that there remains no place in our church that
cries for help. Meanwhile the technology aspects are
being continually and quietly upgraded, and financial
reports are clearer and more comprehensive and
encouraging than ever. So that our building can be an
inviting meeting place for out church family, and a
means of ministry. Give thanks, indeed!