Hamburg Baptist Church celebrated our 225th birthday in July, noting connections with our roots, illustrated by a state-of-the-art display of highlights and photos. Themes from over the years into the present were noted: struggle and resilience, gospel centered and mission focused, renewal of building and fellowship, energized by music and worship.
The best highlight of the celebration was welcoming new members: Tom & Mary Gentilella, Aurora Posada, Bob Uszenski and Barbara Cook. Barbara has brought a megawatt smile that reflects a joyous faith. Bob brings his distinctive humor and encouragement. Aurora has become our “stand-by” church-time children’s minister. Mary has helped bring Community Choral concerts in June and December, along with our Christmas time choir. While Tom has taken on some daunting technical challenges, reviving our worship service streaming, downstairs computer use for Sunday School, and office computer (and now begins serving with the Trustees).
Speaking of Sunday School, our Sunday morning Bible study grew as we learned from courses on “The New Testament You Never Knew,” Max Lucado’s “Power of Simple Prayer” and a scholarly look at “Views of the End Times.”
Coffee House continued with top-drawer quality and creatively with something new each time in songs and styles, and sometimes in instruments and occasional guest performers; always with friends we don’t see any other time. Our Praise Team led the way in worship with songs that consistently enhanced the message.
Men’s Breakfast was again more-than-worthy of getting out of bed early for a sweet and strong fellowship and fare that was as tasty as filling. The guys also happily hosted our second annual Mother’s Day Breakfast, as we enjoyed seeing the ladies treated to a good time together.
A mission that we share with four other churches, Grace’s Pantry, welcomed a new director as Doug MacRae took the baton from founder Carol Millar after many years. With help from several of our volunteers, dozens of families were served through the year, and especially for Christmas. How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers and sisters live together in harmony! (-Psalm 133, NLT) I’m deeply thankful for another such year here!
A Message from Doug MacRae, Director Grace's Pantry:
I extend our sincerest gratitude and thanks for your support of Grace’s Pantry through this recent Christmas Season. The needs have been great but our Lord's ability to provide has been greater! With your assistance we were able to prepare baskets and Christmas gifts for 27 families in the northern Sussex County area. The untold story is that an additional 24 families were assisted throughout the month with just our normal amount of help. Even more impressively is that our shelves are currently well stocked as we head into the winter season.