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Mission Conference

Greg & Julieanne

​Please join us on Saturday, October 5, 2024 for the First Baptist Church's (Newton) Missions Conference "Their Only Hope is the Gospel." We are looking forward to the ministry of our missionaries, Greg and Julieann, as they share with us from scripture of God's heart for the nations as well as their work in Southeast Asia. We will also have a special guest from Siberia who will share the story of her journey to Christ. 


There will be three sessions beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Please see the brochure (posted in the foyer) for more details. Register to attend at

Mission Update:  Ukraine

Igor Bandura, head of the Baptist Union of Ukraine, writes:

 In February 2022, it seemed to us that we would not be able to hold out for more than a few weeks, neither emotionally, physically, nor defensively.  But the Lord is holding us.  Every day He shows his miracles again and again at the front and the rear.


From the first day of the invasion, assistance to internally displaced persons, those who have lost their jobs, home, and breadwinners – has been in great demand [along with psychological and spiritual aid].  


Displaced people and residents of the front-line areas are still in dire need of our help with food, drinking water, hygiene products and cash assistance.  We also offer to them Bible classes, Christian camps, and church events, and some are smiling and settling into their new cities.  


It is impossible to overestimate the power of unity and spiritual inspiration of the great global family of Baptist churches.  Your constant prayers and financial gifts have


Our congregation is thoroughly rooted in our community, serving here for over 200 years, from the town’s earliest days.  With Christians of all traditions, we are founded on faith in God through a living Christ.  In Jesus, we find a renewed life of purpose based in love, with forgiveness and hope, now and eternally.


office:  (973) 827-7225

pastor:  (201) 788-9128



15 Rt. 23 North

Hamburg, NJ 07419



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© 2018 by Hamburg Baptist Church, Hamburg, New Jersey

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