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As Baptists, we practice believers' baptism which emphasizes spiritual rebirth and individual response to Christ's invitation.  Baptists are also marked by understanding and living the Bible as God's message to us.


As with congregations of all traditions we are founded on a life-giving, love-directed faith in God through Jesus Christ, connected with each other by the Holy Spirit, in forgiveness, purpose and hope. 


Our basics: Weekly Worship and Bible study / discussion (Sunday mornings), with monthly fellowship times (Men's Breakfast and for everyone after worship) and reaching out to our community with music and word through our Coffee House.  We also cooperate with the local school at Christmas to provide for some families in need, and support several mission efforts, especially in our county and state.


HBC was founded in 1798, rooted in our community of Hamburg's earliest days and seeing the good of our town as part of our mission.  We strive to support our community through charity, ministry and fellowship.

American Baptist Churches

American Baptists are continuing to use our hands and feet to serve Christ.  Through the cross of Christ we embrace the world as neighbor. Our vision for mission energizes a multitude of servant ministries of evangelism, discipleship, leadership, new church development, social justice, healing, peacemaking, economic development and education. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we work together in mutual submission, humility, love, and giving that the gospel might be preached and lived in all the world. 


Our congregation is thoroughly rooted in our community, serving here for over 200 years, from the town’s earliest days.  With Christians of all traditions, we are founded on faith in God through a living Christ.  In Jesus, we find a renewed life of purpose based in love, with forgiveness and hope, now and eternally.


office:  (973) 827-7225

pastor:  (201) 788-9128



15 Rt. 23 North

Hamburg, NJ 07419


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© 2018 by Hamburg Baptist Church, Hamburg, New Jersey

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